Thoughts on Ivins and Anthrax
If you aren't living in a cave, you are aware that a man who worked at Fort Detrick and who was apparently the prime suspect in the Anthrax attacks seven years ago killed himself, which likely closes...
View ArticleJuking the numbers in Maricopa County are the crime stats for Maricopa county Arizona in 2009, with census data below it. This is the home of Sheriff Joe Arpaio. And it...
View ArticleWe'll stop blaming GWB when you stop blaming Carter
This won't be a long entry, all that you need is in Wikipedia again, facts have a liberal bias.Let's compare. - Reagan inherited a growing economy that went into...
View ArticleThe Right's Two Estates
In French Revolutionary terms, the split in Iowa demonstrates the clear division in the Republican party between the 1st and 2nd Estates. The First Estate being the established power structure, in this...
View ArticleNeo-Conservative? Neo-Imperialist? Or worse?
Sometimes I try to figure out what the hell is going through Rush Limbaugh's mind. See, the people on the right aren't dumb, and they aren't religious zealots. Ralph Reed is a fucking genius, and the...
View ArticleDon't let them re-frame the debate
Yesterday when I woke up and went to my friendly neighborhood blogs, I saw this story. I shook my head and said to myself "This is outrageous, and on national news. When this hits the media cycle, and...
View ArticleEnough Defense, time to go on the Offense.
As Ronald Reagan once said, "There you go again." I dream of a day when we will stop falling into the Rove traps. We have been handed evidence that this administration is allowing the Taliban to...
View ArticleRoving the 9/11 Docudrama.
On September 8, 2004 CBS's broadcast a story regarding George W. Bush's military record. Within hours of this broadcast the authenticity of these documents was called into question. Twelve days later,...
View ArticleAfternoon Press Conferences: Or how to get Ney out of the news cycle.
Remember last week when the bad news came out about Pakistan giving the Taliban a free pass, and then suddenly the president shows up in the middle of the afternoon for a press conference about moving...
View ArticlePolitics is not Reality
A lot of people seem to be freaking out over the John Kerry statement, and that is good. That was the point of the statement, and the intent behind the wording. This wasn't knee jerk reaction, this was...
View ArticleMcNamara and Iraq
Many of the comparisons I've heard between Vietnam and Iraq are a reach. Entire books could be written about the differences. And perhaps the man best suited to write the book examining that topic...
View ArticleThe Modern 2nd Amendment
Ben Franklin once said "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."There should be absolutely no doubt that the right to...
View ArticleThoughts on Ivins and Anthrax
If you aren't living in a cave, you are aware that a man who worked at Fort Detrick and who was apparently the prime suspect in the Anthrax attacks seven years ago killed himself, which likely closes...
View ArticleJuking the numbers in Maricopa County are the crime stats for Maricopa county Arizona in 2009, with census data below it. This is the home of Sheriff Joe Arpaio. And it...
View ArticleWe'll stop blaming GWB when you stop blaming Carter
This won't be a long entry, all that you need is in Wikipedia again, facts have a liberal bias.Let's compare. - Reagan inherited a growing economy that went into...
View ArticleThe Right's Two Estates
In French Revolutionary terms, the split in Iowa demonstrates the clear division in the Republican party between the 1st and 2nd Estates. The First Estate being the established power structure, in this...
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